A. area code: 813 Tampa Girl by Cell - 703 NOVA Girl by home & work
B. bed size: Queen. Although we are eyeing a King. Molly the Beagle + Josh + Me=cramped quarters. I think the dog gets the most room...
C. chore you hate: Oh there are so many how can I just name one - Folding socks is #1, followed closely by washing dishes - soon to be remedied by our kitchen remodel.
D. dog's name: Molly Morgan Thompson
E. essential "start of the day" item: Toothbrush & Creast Pro-Health.
F. favorite color: My colors are blush and bashful...Her colors are pink and pink.
G. gold or silver: Both
H. height: 5'10
I. instruments you play: I will rephrase by instruments I've played: Piano, Violin, French Horn, Handbells
J. job: I am a project manager for a Global Outplacement Firm, we help companies and their effected employees during times of transition - I LOVE my job!
K. kids: In the preparation phases.
L. living arrangements: 2 bedroom, 3 bath, 2 story condo with a beautiful porch for my flowers and herb garden.
M. mom's name: Sally
N. nickname: Captain Morgan
O. overnight hospital stay: A few here and there.
P. pet peeve: Bad Drivers
Q. quote from movie: "We can have a good time, but we cannot be wild" - Shag The Movie
R. righty or lefty: Righty
S. siblings: One little (but taller) brother
T. time you wake up: 8-ish
U. underwear: Hanky Pankies
V. vegetables you dislike: do banana peppers count as a vegetable?
W. ways or reasons you are late: hitting the snooze far too many times, DC traffic
X. x-rays: Lower back - had a little incident falling on our ski trip
Y. yummy food you make: Make Your Own Pizza Night!
Z. zoo animals you like: Polar Bears and Penguins
1 day ago
A tempest of applause for quoting from Shag: a movie much beloved by yours truly.
"preparation phase"?!!!!!
So fun...it's always fun to see what people's responses are to things like that. I, too, thought the Shag comment was cute...reminded me of Dixie Dinner.
consider this stolen lol..I'm such a nerd for quizzes and lists!
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