

Shakin and Quakin

We just had a fairly large, yet moderate earthquake here in Virginia.  It was a 5.9, and the epicenter was about 80 miles south of my house. 

I really didn't know what was going on, but headed to a doorway.  I don't think I ever made it there or if I did stayed there because I was distracted by pictures falling off shelves and the dogs barking (I'm watching my friends dog while they are on vacation).  The few minutes it lasted I tried calling Josh over and over to quickly find cell phones were not working.  I just wanted confirmation of what was happening, and someone to talk to about it!  I finally got him on our land line on his cell, where he told me he was evacuating his office building.

Then I turned to google-"DC Earthquake," nothing - then gchat, "um, was that just an earthquake" to all my open chats then more started popping up-are you ok?  I turned to facebook for confirmation, and my newsfeed was on fire.  Ok at least I know that it happened.  Texted my parents, and a few friends.  Turned on the news.  White House, Pentagon, The Hill all evacuated.  Ok, I felt better I know what it was and our house wasn't imploding-ha!

The news just reported that impromptu happy hours are breaking out all over DC, if only I could have a cocktail, it is a truly beautiful day to be sitting out on the waterfront in Georgetown...

Side note, the dogs are still very skiddish even though currently snoozing-the ice machine in the freezer just made a noise and they both started running around like crazy, I guess we are still on high alert over here!


  1. Louis is at daycare today, and I'm so glad he wasn't alone!! We had quite the swaying and such here in my office building. Sheesh.

  2. We were at the zoo in Baltimore when it happened! The chimps literally went ape sh*t!!! It was crazy! Ian was working from my dad's house and the dogs went ballistic! We have dinner plans tonight and I have a feeling we will stick to the beltway avoid the tunnels/bridges!

  3. I had a very similar experience! I turned on the news and checked cnn right away but there was nothing, so I started thinking I was crazy. Thank goodness for Twitter because right away I saw that I wasn't alone and really did feel an earthquake!

  4. We felt it here in Charlotte too. I was a bit confused at first thinking it was construction work on the building!

  5. I was so worried about Chloe, worried that something might have fallen on her at our house. Nothing, though - thank goodness. Never a dull moment in this place, huh?


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