

17 Weeks

Pregnancy Highlights

I am going to blame my favorite pregnancy symptom, what was it again, oh yeah, pregnancy brain, on my lack of pregnancy posts.  I just darn forget.  I forget to take belly pictures, I forget to write posts, I forget why I walked up the stairs four times yesterday...

How far along:  17 weeks

Size of baby: Baby Thompson is the size of a sweet potato
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I was one pound shy of my pre-pregnancy weight at our OB appointment this week.  Praying to keep the weight gain neutral for a few more weeks as I'm only allowed to gain 15 the whole pregnancy.

Maternity Clothes: Waiting for the pairs of black leggings and super long layering tanks I ordered to come in.  I've come to realize quickly that items I thought I could make work, probably won't.  Plus my summer uniform (after I got out of PJ mode) of white jeans and white linen pants will be retired in the next few days.  I'm starting to freak out a little.  Especially when it comes time for a winter coat.  In the meantime thank goodness for Josh's t-shirts.

Gender: We are going to find out in another two weeks.  I haven't bought a single baby item yet, which is impossible to believe, I'm so excited to find out!!

Movement: I know our little one is doing all kinds of crazy things in the beautiful indoor swimming pool I am maintaining in my stomach for it.  The past few days I've thought I've felt something, but just don't know...  So many crazy things are happening to my body-I can't keep track of what's what.

Sleep: Thank goodness for the pregnancy pillow.  Although I shift around a lot (which is getting harder by the day) I'm able to sleep pretty well.  Unless there is an aftershock from the earthquake, those wake me up-ha!  And my Dr said all that sleeping on your side junk isn't true.  So I sleep every which way I like except I have to get pretty creative with some pillows if I try for my stomach.

What I miss: Dang you pregnancy brain.  I always think of really funny stuff to write here, and ALWAYS forget.  Had wine night with some friends on Wednesday and totally missed having a glass (or three).

Cravings: I'm starting to want sweet things-this is really a first for the whole pregnancy.  I had chocolate and coffee ice cream today-there goes my neutral weight gain-ha!  I'm a lot hungrier now, but still don't eat too much-half a sandwich here, a cup of ice cream there.  Dream of going to never ending pasta bowl...

Symptoms: Well my back pain and constant heart burn hit right on schedule.  I go to physical therapy three times a week now and do my stretches and exercises religiously so I don't end up in paralyzing back pain again anytime soon.

Best Moment: Josh bring an original Peter Cottontail from London for the nursery.  Hearing the heart beat (142) at our OB appt.  Finding out one of the doctors at my physical therapy place is a Gator.  We try to only go to medical professionals, who went to UF.  Sometimes we'll flex out to another SEC school, but try to maintain our alliance.


  1. Can't believe 17 weeks is a sweet potato! Seems like an extreme jump from an avocado! Hahaha!!

    Where did you order leggings and tanks from? I need to order some leggings soon! By the way, I have on maternity jeans for the first time to day...... and let me tell you. They are so freakin comfortable I may never wear regular jeans again :) Hahaha!

    Happy 17 weeks!

  2. So glad you're feeling better! I also recommend pregnancy massage for the back pain. I had sciatic pain so bad I couldn't sleep or get comfy and went weekly for massages the last few months of my pregnancy. I should have been going sooner, but didn't ask for the prescription. And some insurances cover it!

  3. Well goodness, I didn't know y'all are expecting. Congratulations!! Wishing you a happy, healthy pregnancy :)

  4. Only 15-pounds!?? WTF? I thought it was like 30!?

  5. I tried to minimize my maternity clothing purchases because it was so dang expensive. Fortunately I was able to wear a bunch of my pre-pregnancy tops since the flowy tops were in style and could be found anywhere. Also, I occasionally would go to Old Navy's sale racks and buy cute but inexpensive tops in a size or two larger than my pre-pregnancy size and that worked well. Hope you get to feeling better soon and start enjoying your pregnancy :)

  6. Oh, the pregnancy well I remember those days...

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