

Babies First Christmas

What a true joy to celebrate Christmas with our baby. It was so much fun to see all the excitement, happiness and love through his little eyes.

My mom took great notes on babies first Christmas, I don't have them, but will try to remember as best as possible.

He wore a Rudolph long all with a white onsie, it was too warm for him to stay in his fleece Christmas pjs in Florida.

He ate, a banana, cheese grits, toast, hummus, broccoli and mum mums throughout the day.

He had the most fun playing with boxes and got more toys than we could open in a four hour time period, which is ridiculous.

He loved the handbells at the Christmas Eve service and sang the hallelujah chorus in the choir loft.

We had so much fun celebrating with mommy, daddy, uncle Murphey, Molly, Nannie, poppa Morgan, grandma and grandpa.



  1. So precious! It only gets more fun too! It's a bit scary having the only grandchild(ren) in the family- we fight our family not to totally spoil the kids. They basically get held-back Christmas gifts for bdays, especially Holder. Hope y'all made a trip to the Bay area to scout for FL houses!

  2. So sweet! My first real Christmas I wouldn't touch the presents. We have a picture of me standing in front of Daddy trying to get me to open one and I am giving him are you crazy I am not going to get in trouble look. They had been telling me for weeks not to touch so I wouldn't the whole day.


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