

Things We Love 2-3 Months

Ironic, that I'm trying to change my focus from being on 'things,' and I'm writing a things post. But I've found some life saving products on other bloggers posts like these, so here are the things we have loved as James has been in the 2-3 month age range.

He loves to grab things. The oball rattle is a favorite, My advice, get it at target and not a boutique like me-ha!

We also love the angel dear foggy pillow pictured above
Also a fav angel dear is the monkey blankie. He grabs it and shakes it around, so cute!

He also loves to grab and shake his wubbanub. I love it because we no longer loose his paci.

Tommy Tippee milk bibs were a life saver for our 'happy spitter' or a life saver for mommy's sanity

Also love the Aden+Anais burb bibs, but there isn't a product they make I don't love.

Also we love to jam to our Baby Einstein cd's

We read and read and read some more, James really doesn't discriminate, but really seems to enjoy all the Llama llama books.

There are so many things we use everyday from swaddlers to strollers, and one day I'll do a mega 'things' post, but that seems to cover the bases for now.


  1. I will have to remember these! thanks!

  2. We love that monkey!!!! Brody has slept with him since he was a baby and still does each night-we call him "Monk, Monk."

    I wish I could have seen you last week-it was a whirlwind of a trip!


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