

Right on Time

I wrote a post on Friday about how much we are loving being on a schedule/routine, but I guess it never posted and I can't find it anywhere-oh well.

We are LOVING being on a schedule. We have taken tips and tricks from Babywise and Moms On Call to make a system that really works well for us. Week two, hungry James had to get a bottle after most of his hour long nursing sessions, but we are both getting better at this whole eating thing and he is getting 'topped off' fewer and fewer times a day and cutting his nursing session time down to 30-45 minutes, YES!

Plus I am figuring out how to manage my day better to accomplish more, like actually getting dressed the past 5 days. No more pajama land for me, although I did get quite a few cute pairs prior to James' arrival.

Another thing I'm proud of? Taking a shower and brushing my teeth every single day since I gave birth. I felt it needed documenting.

I owe a lot of my success to my fantastic husband, who is in charge of bed time bath and bottle as well as the midnight errr 2/3 am feeding. Granted I supply the food, he's the one getting out of bed. This means at least 8 hours of sleep for mama. I am not a napper, so this sleep session is the glue holding us all together. James goes down around 9:30, eats again at 2:30/3 and is ready to start the day around 8/8:30 in the morning. God bless him!

Nannie is always on hand to sing, read and tell James funny stories during awake/alert time, and has been a huge help with laundry. She was sweet enough today to watch him while I got a massage. I'm on cloud 9 after that and my Chic Fil A lunch-yum!

Speaking of yum Josh treated me to a huge sushi dinner on Saturday night and I had my first coffee in ten months this morning, Ahhh it was good. But I need to get some Dunkin beans and good creamer on our next trip to the grocery store.

Someone else may want some coffee - that's a HUGE yawn!

Lots of Love,



Two Weeks

James you are two weeks old!

Your favorite things to do are eat and sleep!

At your two week appointment you weighed in at 8 pounds 4 ounces - back to birth weight-yay!

You're 22 inches tall- still long and lean, but with the way you eat, you should be changing that soon.

Yesterday your umbilical cord fell off, which was kind of scary for mommy.

You do tummy time a few times a day and eat and eat and eat!

Now, daddy gives you a bath before bed every night, you love it, but also scream the whole time. I think tonight will be your first bath in your tub, pretty exciting!

We fall more and more in love with you everyday. You are the most wonderful gift from God!

Lots of Love,



Nannie's Here!

We are so happy to have my mom here!

James loves having her read to him and sing to him and that she always wants to feed him a little more. Josh and I still don't know what to make of his appetite-ha!

We have had to supplement with a few ounces of formula every other day, although I pump after each day time feeding as well. He goes through all of it. This morning was the first time I bottle fed him some formula because he decided he was starving about 1 hour after we finished breakfast and I pumping. Josh jokes that formula makes him just pass out and it does, I've got a snoozer on my hands! I'm taking this chance to take a nap myself, as I've finally gotten to the place where I can take a daytime nap (I've never been a good napper).

Here's my guy snoozing away at 12 days old.

Yesterday he was rocking out his sock/shoes- soo cute!

Lots of Love,



Correction - Heaven Week

Josh thought the title of my last post was a little harsh, and since he is my hero I am issuing a retraction on the previous blog title.

Now that I have logged a few more hours of zzz's, I am in pure heaven, and Josh has been all along.  I mean how could he not be?  He's been hanging with his best bud 24/7.

I'm a pretty smitten momma as well.
We are such a happy family of three (+ Molly who is happily snoozing right now with James).


Hell Week

I didn't have one of these in college, but wish I did. Maybe I'd have been a little better prepared for what the first few days home with baby would be like.

Day one was a combo of no sleep and non-stop hormone train back and forth to Crazy Town. When planning on when to have my mom come help us, Josh and I thought more about the transition of him going back to work instead of the fact that both me and baby would need to be cared for. Needless to say, I was 100% worthless and a hot mess on Friday and Saturday. One minute it was the best day of my life then next uncontrollable sobbing-IT WAS AWESOME! And by hot mess, I literally mean hot, I had to have a fan on me at all times.

Our first Peds appointment on Saturday morning brought the news James had dropped below the 'safe' 10% body weight loss, and if he didn't have a wet diaper in the next 2 hours we needed to supplement with formula. It was hard on me, especially since I had spent 6 of the past 10 hours feeding him. We went straight from the doctors office to a private lactation consultant who worked with us for a few hours and sent us home with lots of great equipment including a hospital grade pump and scale that we weigh him on to figure out how much he eats at each feeding as well as a few bottles of formula, just in case. Well it turns out what he “should be” eating didn’t quite cut it for our little man. Half to one oz per feeding is the goal for his age, but he goes for 3-4 oz instead. Why should I be surprised?

I was surprised when our pediatrician called us on Sunday just to check in to see how I was feeling and how baby was doing. I think almost passing out and crying in the waiting room on Saturday morning may have raised a red flag-ha! Luckily I redeemed myself at his one week (a day early) check in today. He's gained back most of his weight and I could mentally function, although still tired. Our Dr loves her iPhone as much as me and showed me some great apps to download for baby-did I say I love her yet?

The past few days have been a blur of pure joy, exhaustion and all the tears that go along with every emotion under the rainbow.

I do have to say, Josh has been beyond fantastic. He has literally done EVERYTHING for both me and baby – including finger feeding him with a tiny curved syringe so I could try to get some sleep. The man who wasn’t going to change a diaper, has changed close to 100 in the past week, my count is less than 10. I’m sure I’ll be catching up sooner than later.

I’m also lucky to have some of the greatest friends and neighbors who have brought us dinner and checked in on us every night since we’ve been home. I’m beyond grateful to Jen who actually came over to tuck me in when all I could do was cry on Saturday. A hot shower, a freshly made bed, and someone who loves you unconditionally just to sit there with you made all the difference for me. We sure came a long way from sharing a warm beer in the backyard of the Beta house at Florida the first weekend of our freshman year in college.

Baby James has come a long way too, but it hasn’t involved any beer – just boobs. My favorite comment from Josh through all this was something about how cute James was when he was eating, he would post a picture to facebooks if we were hippies. So far, no pictures have been posted to any social media sites of him eating, just pictures of our little guy in his bear hat, on his play mat and just being the cutest little guy ever!

We are in LOVE!! Best Valentine’s Day of our lives!


He's Here!

James Adam Thompson joined our family on Wednesday, February 8, 2012 at 11:29 am. He weighed in at 8 pounds 4 ounces and was 22 inches long.

To say we are thrilled is an understatement. Our little boy is amazing and we are both in love.

He is BEST FRIENDS with his daddy, who is the most amazing man. Not only did my heart double in size for our child, but I have a much deeper love for my husband than I could have ever imagined.

We have tons of pictures I can't wait to share, but for now pics from my iPhone and those that have been emailed to family and friends will have to do.

What an adventure these last few days have been!

Weighing in

Momma's arms

I love my daddy

Here I am!

Our boy

View from my bed


Lots of Love,



Baby Budget

The title of my post is laughable.  I'm sure Josh is getting a kick out of it right now.  Getting ready for baby is expensive.  I am by no means an extreme couponer and bought everything for our little guy from Pottery Barn Kids, Babies R Us and other such retail stores.  I just wanted everything to be brand new and "just right" for our baby.  I love a deal, but wanted to read reviews on EVERYTHING and be the first to open the box and use whatever items we had for our little guy.  I know, I know...

There are lots of great ways to save when getting ready for baby, other than failing miserably at trying to use coupons at Babies R Us, I didn't use too many of them.  But I've learned a lot along the way and am much more confident in making my purchases-these are some savings sites and techniques I've picked up these past 10 months.

Now that I am getting a better hand on things and more confident in what I think we will need I plan to frequent some of the spring seasons consignment sales.  In the DC area-this site has just about every parenting resource you could want.  From what activities are going on this weekend to every consignment sale in the area is the place to find it.

Deal of Day Websites

I have not purchased from everyone of these sites, but do take a look at all of them from time to time. – Deals that last for a few days, fun to look ahead to see what’s coming. – Even have the app on my iphone.  Deals start at 9 am EST, but last a few days.  Love all the items they offer for mom’s, too. – Love the local deals available on this site. – Deals for mom, baby and children, up to 70% off.  Very trendy items. starts at 11AM EST & 11 PM EST and they offer one baby or maternity item at up to 80% off. They offer really great brands on this site. A sister site of Baby Steals, their sales also start at 11AM EST & 11 PM EST.  Both Baby and Kids Steals also offer up steals on the weekend for items that may have not sold out. -.  Instead of one deal everyday, they offer up many throughout the day.  This is one site you want to check often. -You will find great items here for baby, kids and mom for half off or more.  New deals are posted at 10AM EST.  They also offer great deals and giveaways on their facebook so check them daily. offer up one eco-friendly or organic baby products everyday starting at 9am EST with items up to 40% off. - Just like their name states, they offer up one deal a day, Mon-Fri starting at 12:00PM EST on a green baby item.  Not just baby though; kids up to age 5 plus parents.  Every product listed on their site is eco-friendly.  Stop by on the weekends to see if any products didn’t sell out. -Great bargains for babies with great discounts.  Deals start at 6AM EST. - They offer a deal a day for baby and kids 40% off or more - Their deals start at midnight CT and you’ll find toys, accessories, and other kid related products in their sales. is actually one deal a day on a designer maternity item. 

Coupons, Free Offers, Deals
Pampers Points: Gifts to Grow.  Enter codes from pampers purchases to redeem for toys/supplies in the future
-Everyone told me to do this, I’ve found lots of free gifts to grow offers from and
I only have a few packages of diapers, but have logged a few hundred points thanks to the blogs above.

I’m planning to breastfeed, but have gotten a few containers of free formula and coupons from signing up for these coupons.  This will be great if we need back-up, otherwise I will donate to a charity to help out a mom in need.  There are also gift packs that Similac, Enfamil and Gerber have for new parents at the hospital and they all offer apps for iphones.  I’m planning to use the Similac App to help with tracking feedings, diaper changes, etc.  A free version of an Itzbeen. 

Sign up for coupons that are mailed to you

Similac coupons
Send coupons and samples

Enfamil coupons-   
Like Gerber and Similac, Enfamil sends awesome coupons! 

Smocked, Monogrammed and Just Plain Cute Outfits
I haven’t mastered all the facebook sales yet, but these are some of my favorite smocked deal sites.  I actually researched a little to post info about all of them, so I think I understand how to buy things from all these shops now-ha!
Can’t wait to order his Easter outfit and become a monogramming fool (we have to pick a name for that to happen-ha)

Facebook Flash Sale (fast and quick have to get order in at time of sale)T&Th at 9:30 pm EST

Facebook - Preorder's all orders are honored S, M, T, W

Facebook Flash Sale M & W at 9 pm EST

Facebook - 3 Types of Sales  Ready to ship, Preorder, and Monogrammed- M & Th Mornings

Facebook - Shopping done through FB App, S, M, T, Th 10 am and/or 9 pm EST

Facebook - T & Th 8:30 pm EST

M, T, W, Th at 9 pm EST

Cute Website

Where do you try to save on things for your kiddos?


Surviving Pregnancy

As the days of my pregnancy come to an end, I wanted to write what things have helped me through the past 10 months.  Hopefully this can be a reference for some of my friends and me for future pregnancies.  Also this is a super long post, but I just figured it was better to get it all out in one place other than posting this over a few days. 

The most important thing I learned being pregnant was to put myself (which also meant baby) first.  It changes everything, and I'm glad I know what life is like when I made myself my #1 priority - which was pretty cool.

Books, Classes & Apps:
I went the fairly traditional route the two books I read throughout my pregnancy were What to Expect When You're Expecting and the Mayo Clinic's Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy.

I also enjoyed weekly emails from my hospital, What to Expect and Baby Center as well as the Baby Center App and What to Expect App.  There were other Apps I downloaded, but didn't really enjoy-of course I already deleted them.  I also think I would have purchased the Sprout App if I had known about it earlier on, but $5 seemed like a lot for the last month-a-roonie.

We also took a very expensive birthing class offered by our hospital, all the traditional classes were booked through Feb back in October so we took an express class and were defiantly the "overachievers" there four months before we were due.  It made me feel a lot more comfortable and confident in what was going to happen and I have referenced the materials multiple times since.

Josh is still angry about the "boob class" I took him to at The Breastfeeding Center of Greater Washington, it was great for me, but he is still upset by the demonstrations that were made with the fake (as in stuffed animal like) boob.

He did get to change his first diaper (granted it was on a doll) at our baby care basics class with the Northern Virginia Lactation Consultants.   We sprung for a private class after our experience at the The Breastfeeding Center of DC.  We really enjoyed our experience here and set everything up to rent our hospital grade pump from them once our little guy gets here.  They were a great resources and very friendly, helpful and comforting.

My favorite resource by far is the online class from Mom's On Call.  I feel like I have a plan and lots of ideas of "what to do" when baby arrives because of this great resource.  The best part is I can rewatch the clips as needed - because I know I will need some refreshing and reassurance over those first sleepless weeks.

Food & Drinks:
I was sick for just about my entire pregnancy, it was lovely.  Perrier with Lime really helped to keep me hydrated and helped tremendously with the nausea.
On that note, anything sour was always in my purse or pocket, including Sour Patch Kids and Preggie Drops (the "pops" without sticks)

I honestly only wanted to eat foods that were favorites before hand.  I craved sweets towards the end of my second trimester and all of my third, but the 1st was simple things all the way.  Tatertots, cheese pizza and tomato sandwiches have been my mainstay throughout, I can't wait for tomatoes to come back in season!

There is one item I literally wore every day - maternity layering tanks.  Sometimes I wore two.  They worked well with smoothing everything out, providing a little extra length under my non-maternity tops and were event comfy to sleep in.  Plus with the constant flux in body temps it was nice to have the option to take off layers with the tanks.

I have 8 from Old Navy at $10 they can't be beat.

Maternity Jeans- these are a must!  I held out for a while before I got my first pair, and now there is no looking back.

My mother in law was kind enough to give me a gift card to Motherhood Maternity, which I used to buy my first pair.  On our way home from our babymoon we stopped by the Outlets in North Carolina, where I stocked up on a few more pairs at the Motherhood Maternity Outlet.  Granted I was never a jeans (or even pants) kind of girl prior to pregnancy - I am a convert now.  Also, I became a "stay at home mom" early on in my pregnancy, so I probably would have been purchasing maternity dress pants vs jeans if I was still going into the office.

Compression Socks - Wow, it's like a massage in a sock.  I remember two of my besties who are in the medical field talking about wearing them at their long days at the hospital while pregnant and was super glad I filed that away in my noggin.  I wore them early on while I was still working and on my feet a lot, then I guess I forgot about them.  In the last few weeks of my pregnancy I found them again and they make a WORLD of difference in keeping swelling and pain to a minimum in my feet and legs.

Maternity Support Belt - This helped tremendoulsy with the pressure the baby puts on internal organs and back pain so glad my husband got this for me, I think he found it in the maternity section at Macy's.

My Bobby Pregnancy Pillow made sleeping comfortably a lot easier.

Josh is ready to see it go so he can have more room in our king size bed-ha!


I really enjoyed Water Walking, Water Aerobics and Prenatal Yoga - this DVD from Target was fantastic.


Happy Due Date

Looks like we made it!  I've joked my whole pregnancy that my little guy can stay in my tummy as long as he likes, and he has...

Yesterday at my Dr. Appointment, we were asked to schedule our induction date.  Since I'm not in a lot of pain or discomfort (except for those few hours of "practice contractions" last week), and I'd like mother nature and baby to have as much time as they would like to make it happen, I choose the last day I could.  Two weeks from now I'll either have my little guy or be in the hospital getting ready to have him. 

I still can't decide if Valentines Day is a cool day to have your birthday.  No matter what, he'll get a card from every girl in his class each year, but I also don't want "his day" to be overshadowed by a holiday.  It probably won't matter and he will come before then, but still-picking the day your baby will come is kind of weird.

How far along:
40 Weeks

Size of baby:
Small Pumpkin - gee that sounds awesome.  At our 3rd and last ultrasound at 36 weeks his projected weight was 6 pounds 14 oz.  That was a month ago, and he should be gaining half a pound a week.  That could put him at 8 pounds 14 oz, which sounds just about as awesome as a small pumpkin-ha!

Total Weight Gain/loss:
It's been up and down the whole pregnancy.  Net net, I weigh 4 pounds more today than I did at my first pregnancy appointment.  Don't get me wrong, I was heavy in the first place, so I'm actually looking forward to taking off pounds post baby, which I was in the process of when we found out we were expecting.  FYI J Hud, my husband would like for you to visit us at upcoming weight watchers meetings - Saturday Mornings, Fairfax Station, let's say mid-march time frame works best-ha!

Maternity Clothes:
It took me a bit longer than it should to pack my hospital bag, mostly because I have three pairs of maternity jeans and wear at least one pair everyday.  I did not want to take a pair out of rotation and throw off my laundry schedule.  At 38 weeks I bit the bullit and packed my bags, surviving these past two weeks on two pairs of jeans and 2 pairs of maternity leggings.  I am not looking forward to giving up maternity pants-they are awesome and sooo comfortable, but I did purchase a large amount of nursing appropriate PJ's and lounge wear which should be just as comfy for the next few months.

It's a BOY! His initials will be JAT, but we decided to meet him first before pulling the trigger on his full name. We will be using family names.

He likes to move it move it.  I thought the bigger they got the less they moved.  Not true!  He is very active and is all over the place.

Still trying to get as much as I can while I can.  There have been a few sleepless nights.  Especially when the OMG I have to push a baby out anxiety gets me at 3 am.  I turn on my Surfing for Birthday relaxation and affirmation track on my ipod and calm down and try to get more zzz's.  My mom asked why I wanted to wait so long to induce yesterday and I told her so I would at least have the option to sleep for the next two weeks-ha!

What I miss:
Having a schedule or events in my day.  I like to know what's on the docket for the day and keep my calendar up-to-date.  Obviously I have nothing scheduled to happen in my life right now other than have a baby, which is totally weird for me.  I'm caught up on my google reader and on facebook and pinterest WAY too much-ha!

I am STARVING all day everyday.  My most specific craving this week came in the form of Salt and Vinegar Kettle Cooked Potato Chips, which I asked Josh to go buy me at 11 o'clock at night.  While he typically honors my requests-he would not get me the chips., although he brought some home for me the next day-thanks babe!

I can tell my body is getting ready for the baby, it's so nice not to feel sick right now!

Best Moment:
Much to my husbands disappointment, my belly button remaining an innie for the past 40 weeks!