

Singing in the rain?

In trying to follow the old adage of, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."  I've been kind of quite the past few weeks. 

Pretty much I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired.  I know I'm experiencing the biggest miracle of my life, but at the same time completely sick and miserable.  So, I decided instead of sounding ungrateful (which I'm not) or angry (which I am, but don't know why) better to just keep my misery to myself, and of course Josh-ha!  Humm, maybe that's why he keeps going on super long business trips.

Fantastic things keep happening despite my personal pitty party.

Last week I was able to welcome baby Sophia into the world.  One of my best friends had her second baby on Sunday and I was in charge of Big Brother Jack.  Well, maybe he was in charge of me...

She is soo tiny, I can't believe that I am going to have a baby in a few more months-wow! 

Molly also had her knee surgery last week, Jack even helped me take her to the doggie doctor.  She is doing great, and I am keeping up with her very long post op instructions.  I even learned how to give her shots. 

One day last week everything did get to be a little much, and I was very grateful Josh was in town and his office was half a mile from our house because he was able to help me big time by bringing me some lunch and helped to get Molly situated.  It's hard to carry her out to the bathroom in 100+ degree heat and up and down the stairs in the house, yes I realize carrying her maybe good practice for things to come...

I've got a lot of really great things happening in my life, so eventually I'm going to have to turn this frown upside down, come on sunshine of the second trimester!


  1. I have been on a semi bloggy break this summer so I am out of the loop but have to read to get caught up on your news. It sounds much like this hot summer has made everything harder!!! Hope your pups is recovering well and you are feeling a bit better (((hugs)))

  2. Just keep your head up! You've got a little legacy or a future husband to a Phi Mu in there!!! Here's to hoping you have a least one day of feeling better!!

  3. It's hard to be happy when you're feeling puky.....perhaps if you imagine that your little one will thrive and develop a positive attitude when you think positive thoughts will help. Walk around and "tell" your sweetie about all the wonderful things he/she will see and do when she/he arrives! (maybe that will help). I'm enjoying reading about your little miracle.

  4. Congrats to your friend on her beautiful baby girl! I'm sorry to hear you're not feeling so well lately but admire you for trying to stay positive. I hope the second trimester brings better things :)

  5. That is a beautiful picture of Jen and kids! Hang in there, Sarah!


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