

Showing Kindness

Today at Kelly's Korner we are sharing Random Act of Kindness Idea's.

I love doing Random Acts of Kindness.  I even started RAK Day when I was in high school-that's how much I love it.  One of the most fun summers in my life, my friend Allison and I were the Panhellenic representatives for freshman orientation at the University of Florida.  We did sessions everyday about Greek Life and Recruitment (I still want to call it rush).  It was tons of fun needless to say. 

We were together non-stop and just totally lifted each other up!  So we thought what better than to lift others up as well.  So we would do a Random Act of Kindness everyday.  Most of the time we would spot parking meters that had run out and pop a quarter or two in.  Open doors, and would go out of our way to show kindness and grace to others.  I think it feels better to be good to others than it even feels to be the recipient of the goodness.

On that note, I need to remember to be kind to my husband, and hope he returns the favor.  He is taking graduate accounting classes right now so he can sit for his CPA next year.  Due to his work, travel and study schedule, we have agreed that I will take on the majority of the household responsibilities. 

I am happy to do this.

Right now it's a little overwhelming since I have added the kitchen remodel on top of running the house and my full-time job.  I love my job, taking care of the house and am thrilled about the remodel.  I feel like I am doing pretty good with all my responsibilities, but he likes to give me reminders of what I'm not doing well or haven't finished yet.  Best of all these friendly reminders aka Random Acts of Meanness (yes I came up with that all on my own) come around 11:30 pm.  After I am already in bed and he has finished studying for the night.  Yes, I know that I need to change the sheets and put away my shoes in the bottom of the closet in the guest room before our company comes this weekend.  Yes, I know I had all week to do this, you don't need to tell me this at midnight while I'm trying to sleep.

Maybe I need to find him a new pair of glasses so he can see all the things I do around the house everyday that he doesn't notice, and filter out the things I haven't wrapped up yet.    I will be happy to trade out a RAM for RAK!

In the mean time, I hope he enjoys his three rounds of golf this weekend.  I'll be painting the kitchen and finishing packing up all the cabinets to prep for the contractor to come in, but that's just between you and me because no one else in my house will notice-ha!

FYI-this is all in good nature, I'm just learning how to deal with meeting both my own and my husbands expectations while balancing my career and household.  It's what the first few years of marriage is all about right?


  1. Hang in there little gator girl!
    It will get better, the older gator hubby gets the less this happens! You are handling yourself beautifully....chin and collar up you preppy girl! :)

  2. It's definitely what the first few years are about! Finding your groove, taking on (and in some cases shifting off) some responsibilities and unfortunately, working really hard without acknowledgement. You have a great attitude. Thanks for reminding me to be kind:)


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