

Headed Back Home?

A knot rose in my throat as we drove down Bayshore on our roundabout way to the airport.  I wanted to see the waterway where I took long walks most of the nights I lived in Tampa before I flew back up to DC.  Part of me didn't want to leave.
 Side walk along Bayshore Blvd
I though of all those walks with my friends and by myself, where I would pray, dream and plan for my future.  Now that I am living in the future that I once dreamed about it was interesting to put all those past dreams in perspective.

Looking back the only thing that seems consistent with all my grand plans was that I married my best friend and soul mate, and for that I couldn't be more grateful.  One of the largest struggles in my life is to not plan and worry about my future, and just know that I am safe in God's hands.  As I get older I am getting better with this.  I don't dream and anxiously wait for things to happen, because I have finally realized that I have no control over it.  Am I happy living in Virginia-yes, would I be happy living back in Florida-yes, will I make the most out of every location a career moves take us-yes!
My old house in Tampa
Josh and I agreed that we just love and miss Florida.  It feels like home to us.  Tampa is where I became a "grown-up," it's where I fell in love, it's where I became a woman I am proud of, and it's where a lot of my friends live.  Being a part of this city helped me to develop, I am so glad for that, and would love to have a future part of my life there.  We'll just have to see what's in God's plan for me, Josh and Molly. 

Some of the things we enjoyed the most about our trip:

Spending time with our family!

Taking Molly to the dog beach on Honeymoon Island

Our Memorial Day BBQ

The Dairy Joy

Spending time with friends (I only wish we had enough time to see everyone)!


  1. it is so awesome to have that feeling of being held securely in God's hands....that worry really doesn't accomplish anything except wear us out. i'm so excited for you and all the neat things that are going on in your life! love the blog!

    xoxoxo- Kate a' la Southern Belle Simple

  2. I'm glad you had a wonderful weekend! I love the pictures of Josh and Molly. :-) xo xo

  3. I'm so glad I got to see you this weekend! Dairy Joy was a great idea! I forgot how amazingly delicious it is (shame on me)!

  4. Sounds like you had a WONDERFUL holiday! So glad to hear it! Welcome back to good old VA! Don't worry, I'm a transplant here too, and it WILL eventually feel like home :-)

  5. Hi!! I just found your blog!! :) Sounds like you had a great time visiting Tampa! Your old house is absolutely beautiful!! Can't wait to get to know you better.

  6. Being a girl that’s lived in the same area my entire life, I can’t imagine how hard it would be to leave, so I understand the way you feel. I’ve also heard wonderful things about Tampa and I’m sure it’s a beautiful place to live. I think as time goes on it will hopefully get a little easier. That one great thing is that you did marry your best friend and he will always be there.

    Molly looks like she is loving the water and the BBQ looks delicious. That is great you got to catch up with some of your friends while you were back at home.

  7. Hey girl, thanks for your sweet comments! We DID have a lovely time! More to come tomorrow...

  8. "Home is the place that, when you go there, they have to take you in." --Robert Frost

    Great post, Sarah.


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